April 29, 2009


QUOTE: "Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with
definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different

HINT: (1854-1900), Irish playwright, poet and author of
numerous short stories and one novel.

April 28, 2009

"Heaven and Hell" series of three

I see I might need to explain this art before you view it. Im usually all about love/pain. Thats when I paint the best.

Painting to express and work through pain or anguish sounds like a great idea, and I hope it helped me.

This was the angry side of me. Which Ive never painted/expressed before..

My furry companions of almost 20 years died last year...all three of them...within six months. Now THATS some pain. I felt very angy that it happened and that they left me. But the angriest was at myself, because I had to put two of my pets/babies to sleep. Thats a haunting kind of pain. Its really horrible. And probably always will be.

And then my feelings were more on the lonely side. Without the patter of two kitties and a puppy romping around my ankles ...oh, I felt so alone...Part of my family was no longer. I felt the only way to purge myself of these feelings, was to put that expression on canvas. Kind of like a diary. Therapy.

So, I painted the series "Heaven and Hell". I painted them in 3 stages.

"Demons" was my first piece....Lots of Anger in the beginning.

Copyright © 2009
Barbara Lemley
original painting on canvas
16" x 20" $638.00

The second piece is "Pergatory" Thats when the anger ended and the loneliness happens. You dont feel too much, but you desperately want to go on with your life.

Copyright © 2009
Barbara Lemley
original painting on canvas
16" x 20" $638.00

Then, when I painted most of the pain out of my heart I painted
"Angel of Mercy".

I think I can go on with my life now, and paint something with a new beginning. Something more gentle. More peaceful.

Does that make sense???

"Angel of Mercy"
Copyright © 2009
Barbara Lemley
original painting on canvas
16" x 20" $638.00

Personally, my answer would be after that to knock back several shots of tequila, go to the gym, and beat the crap out of the Heavy Bag.

Whatever works!

April 23, 2009

Copyright © 2009
Barbara Lemley

original painting on canvas
8" x 10" $238.00
"Eye C U"

April 22, 2009

Barbara's Toy Chest

Copyright © 2009 Barbara Lemley
original painting on canvas
10" x 10" $168.00
"Barbara's Toy Chest"

April 15, 2009


Copyright © 2009 Barbara Lemley
original painting on canvas

Copyright © 2009 Barbara Lemley
original painting on canvas
8" x 8" $138.00

Gallery wrapped.